Showing posts with label spaghetti sauce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spaghetti sauce. Show all posts


Easter and more eggs

I had a relaxing Easter holiday. My brother surprised us with a visit on Saturday night and on Sunday we had dinner in Palm Beach at an interesting restaurant, Buccan. They serve “little meals” ( We went with some long time family friends and it was a fun dinner. Each of us picked a couple of items that we then shared with the table. Actually, we over ordered but the food was fantastic and we enjoyed ourselves.

I was searching for a new or old idea for making my own Salad Dressing for dinner with my brother.  I offered to bring the salad and we were going to order out Pizza.  I remembered my LA Times California Cookbook (I notice you can get this cookbook now for as low as 90 cents! had several good dressings, so I took it out and while looking for one, came across another favorite recipe, Pizza Quiche.

Right now I am a bit “egged out” after the holiday. No, I didn’t color any eggs but I did eat quite a few hard boiled eggs last week. Still, I get busy working during the day and would love to have something already prepared for lunch. The pizza quiche would be perfect.

Of course the original recipe called for Pepperoni and since I don’t eat meat and pepperoni is the king of fatty foods, it just didn’t work for me.  I substituted a vegetarian pepperoni. I was concerned that I wouldn’t like it and others wouldn’t either. It was good. When I served it to carnivores no one was the wiser it seemed. Also, I have never made it with the can of tomato sauce in the recipe. The first time I made it, I had leftover homemade spaghetti sauce so I used that. It was so good that way. I now use homemade or store bought spaghetti sauce every time I make it. If you make this, don’t leave out the green pepper rings. It makes the quiche more attractive.

The quiche is pretty easy to make and it is a nice meal. If you are pressed for time or just plain lazy, most of the ingredients can be bought already sliced, chopped or shredded. For dinner, I would include a nice salad. For lunch a fruit salad would be nice with it. In any case, I hope you try it. I think you will enjoy it.

Pizza Quiche
8 oz thinly sliced pepperoni (or substitute veggie pepperoni)
1 (9inch) unbaked pastry shell
2/3 cup shredded Swiss cheese
½ cup sliced black olives
1 cup chopped green pepper
3 eggs
2 Tablespoons flour
1 Cup of Milk
Grated Parmesan
1 (8 oz) can of tomato sauce with mushrooms (or your favorite spaghetti sauce)
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon basil
¼ teaspoon oregano
6 thin rings of green pepper (or green and red)

Sauté pepperoni for 2-3 minutes until warmed through. Set aside.
Prebake the pastry shell in a 400 degree oven for 5 minutes. Remove it from the oven and sprinkle 1/3 cup of the Swiss cheese over the bottom evenly.
Sprinkle on half the pepperoni and top with olives, chopped green pepper, remaining Swiss cheese, and the rest of the pepperoni.
Beat eggs and flour until smooth.
Blend in milk, ¼ cup grated parmesan cheese, tomato (or spaghetti) sauce, salt, basil and oregano. Pour this into the pastry shell.
Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese and top with the pepper rings.
Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.
Reduce heat to 325 degrees and bake for 40-45 minutes longer, or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean. (Don’t over bake it!)
Remove from the oven and garnish the outer edge of the pie with prebaked pastry cutouts, if desired (ha ha ha, I don’t do that!)
Let stand 10 minutes before cutting in wedges.
Makes  4-6 servings.