
Fru Fru Drinks

I was never much of a hard liquor drinker. The taste is too strong for me and I am a lightweight when it comes to alcohol in general. Still I do like to have a drink sometimes. My interest in alcohol is similar to my interest in food. I like to try different flavors.

When I was a teenager one of my favorite uses for alcohol was putting Green Crème De Menthe over Lemon Ice Cream that had lemon candies in it (They don’t make ice cream like that anymore!). Being ultra mature for my age, I was able to impress people with my green tongue!

While in college in Florida and then when we lived at the beach, I switched to Pina Coladas, the tropical drink! I often wonder how many calories I took in drinking those Pina Coladas.

You might get the idea that I like sweet drinks. I do. Back when I travelled more, I collected liqueurs from the different places I visited. I bought Pear William in Switzerland and Calvados in France Jamaica makes a number of good liquors. I bought Rumona Rum liqueur in Jamaica, Tia Maria which was originally made with Blue Mountain Coffee beans and another liqueur, Pimento. Pimento was actually an Allspice liqueur and fun to add to eggnog during the holidays. ( Note:Pimento is not available in the States. I read a note from a NY Bartender about a substitute he came up with. If you take white rum and steep allspice berries in it, then add simple syrup and strain when the flavor is strong enough, you will approximate the product).

In the Virgin Islands I bought a locally made liqueur. The label says it is “The Best Christmas” GuavaBerry Liqueur around the world. It also says, “Taste it. You’ll love it. It makes you frisky,happy and loving”. Needless to say, I save it for special occasions!! It does make me happy, frisky and loving !

From Hawaii, I brought back Keoki Kona Coffee liqueur. Eventually my friends jumped on the band wagon too. Mr. Capers brought me some Herradura Tequila from Mexico, Paula brought me some Rum Raisin and Curacao Liqueur from Curacao and an old boyfriend brought me some rum from South America that was so strong I couldn’t drink it. I gave it to a friend when I moved. Another liqueur I collected while here in the states was made by the makers of Grand Marnier. It is called La Grande Passion. It is no longer available. I bought the stores last 3 bottles before it was off the shelves. It is a nice, delicate liqueur, similar to Grand Marnier but better, I think.

It was years before I developed a taste for wine and many more before I could appreciate Red Wine. During my country dancing years in Texas my drink of choice was a tequila sunrise without the sunrise (no grenadine). That wasn’t quite as sweet as my earlier choices and I knew how much was too much and when to stop. I did drink Margaritas but the combination of sweet with the lime gave me a headache. The OJ worked better.

Today, outside of my enjoyment of Margaritas and Mojitos, I am generally a Fru Fru drink lover. I like the pretty drinks that they make, Chocolate Martinis with the glass decorated with Chocolate Sauce, Key Lime Martinis rimmed with Graham Cracker and Coconut Lime Martinis rimmed with Toasted Coconut As mentioned earlier, Roy’sTropical Martini was my summer drink this year.

I sound like a lush, but really I am not. Most of the liqueurs I collected 20 years ago are still on my shelf. I take them out during parties and on occasion. This weekend I tried a new drink recipe that I found in Health Magazine (I guess it has to be good for me, right?). The original drink is from the Tides Hotel on South Beach. If you ever get to South Beach, check out the Tides. It is a gorgeous, first class hotel and I hear they have a great Sunday Brunch.

The drink is called Tides Royale. Not only is it really good, but it is really pretty too. Amazingly, I had all the liquors that are called for in this drink and the pineapple juice too. I would like to share the recipe and some other warm and cold weather favorites with you.

One cautionary note, if you are out drinking, make sure you have a designated driver (that isnt drinking with you!!). If you don't have one, don't drink and drive. Also, if you are on the wagon....stay on it. Drinking isn't right for everyone and drinking should be done responsibly. If you are over the age of 65 be very careful with alcohol. In 2005 nearly 16,000 older adults died from falls.

Tides Royale

2 oz coconut rum
1 oz Midori
3 oz pineapple juice
1 tablespoon Chambord
Edible flower for garnish (optional)

Combine rum,Midori and pineapple juice in a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into 2 chilled glasses. Add ½ tablespoon of Chambord to each glass. It will sink to the bottom. Garnish if desired.
2 servings

Hot Apple Pie
This reminds me of sitting by the fire on a winter day with someone very special.

• 2 oz Tuaca
• Hot apple cider
• whipped cream
• cinnamon stick for garnish

1. Pour the Tuaca in an Irish coffee glass
2. Fill with hot apple cider.
3. Top with whipped cream.
4. Garnish with a cinnamon stick.

Peppermint Patty

1 ½ oz Godiva Chocolate Liqueur
½ oz Peppermint Schnapps or Rumple Minz

Stir over ice in a rocks glass.
For a hot drink you can make a Hot Peppermint Patty by putting this in a Irish coffee glass without the ice then adding hot chocolate

Frankfurt Froth
This is a very strong, more manly drink!!
4 servings

At Restaurant Eugene, Greg Best makes a version of this drink with custard sauce and a small- batch bourbon he has infused with warm spices. Just before serving, he grates a roasted peanut over the top, which gives your nose a delightful surprise. Warmed ice cream makes a fine substitute.

1 pint Haagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream
6 ounces spice-infused bourbon
4 peanuts (optional)

Heat the ice cream in a small saucepan until very warm to the touch. Pour into a stainless steel bowl and whisk until it turns frothy.

Divide the bourbon among four warmed mugs. Top with frothed cream. Grate the peanuts over the top using a micro plane zester.

To infuse bourbon: Open a 750 milliliter bottle and add 3 whole cloves, 1 cinnamon stick and 1/2 teaspoon Sichuan peppercorns. Close and wait 2 1/2 weeks for the flavors to infuse.

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